Complaints Policy

How we handle your complaints

If you are not happy with the service you have received from Transparent Utilities Consultants, we want to hear about it, deal with the situation quickly and put measures in place to stop it happening again.

If you are not happy with the service you have received from Transparent Utilities Consultants, we want to hear about it, deal with the situation quickly and put measures in place to stop it happening again.

Our complaints process

We’ll give your complaint our full attention and keep you updated. A complaint can be resolved in many ways including an apology, an offer of a good will gesture or compensation.

It’s important to us to resolve the issue for you as quickly as possible.

Step 1: Contact us and let us know what has happened and what you want us to do to put it right, you’ll be able to contact our team by telephone, email or by post.

Step 2: We’ll work with you to resolve the matter as quickly as we can, keeping you updated throughout. We aim to resolve 98% of all complaints within 10 working days.

Step 3: We will let you know what we have done to resolve your issue and bring the matter to a close.

If after that, you’re unhappy with the outcome, your complaint will be escalated to our Complaints Manager who will review the resolution to try and agree a more amicable fix.

If you still do not agree or your complaint is greater than 8 weeks old, you are able to escalate the complaint to Ofgem (Ombudsman Service). Their service is free and impartial

A complaint can be made in the following ways:

Via Telephone to: The sales agent who you have been speaking to
Via e-mail to:
In writing to:  Complaints Department, Transparent Utility Consultants, 58A Rosemead Drive, Leicester. LE2 5SF.

You can view our complaints policy PDF here